Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This is pretty cute. The boys are racing down the driveway.

Bryce hanging with the neighborhood Kids

Here is Bryce with his cousin Gavin to the left and neighborhood friends Jackson and Lauren. Bryce is trying to hang with the older kids already.

Bryce and Cousin Andreas

Here is Bryce playing in the bath with his cousin Andreas.
We are very excited because Bryan's sister (Kristin) and family are moving back to Cincy. Bryce and Andreas will get lots of playing time!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hanging out in the Pool

See Uncle Justin...I do smile. Uncle Justin and his girlfriend (Kelsy) have been to visit us three times and everytime they come Bryce is under the weather. They even bought Bryce a pool to try to cheer him up. He loves his pool now. Go figure:) We will keep our fingers crossed for your next visit.

My New Scooter

Bryce was not sure what to do with this at first but as you can see below he is getting the hang of it! Thanks Grandma Simon for my new Scooter:)